Monday of Lent 1, February 19

How do people think of life?

Answer #1: Life is an accident / a chance happening

There is a view many people hold that life just happens. Everything came to be by chance, by accident. You’re here, but you could just as well not be here. 

With this view, your life has no intrinsic meaning. So whatever meaning your life has is what you create. You must make a name for yourself; you must create significance for yourself by doing something great or noteworthy, something that matters. And if you don’t, you just disappear, go away, and are forgotten forever!

That’s a lot of pressure! And causes a lot of people to despair. For then, what’s the point of life?

But this week, we'll read that the Scriptures say something completely different! You didn’t happen by chance or accident - you were created special by God, with a meaning, purpose, and value. Your life matters. We would be less without you. And God is using you to be His blessing to others. 

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, 
and before you were born I consecrated you;
 I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” 

~ Jeremiah 1:5

God had a plan for Jeremiah before he was even born! And God has a plan for you. You are no accident. You are a child of God!

Lord Jesus, thank You for making me and with a plan and purpose for my life. Amen.

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