Monday of Lent 2, February 26

How do people think of life?

Answer #2: The value of your life is in what you do or accomplish.

This view of life regards those who are successful or who contribute much to society as worth more than those who do not or cannot. So if you are smart, wealthy, or accomplished, you are worth more than the poor, the uneducated, or the menial worker. And the child in the womb, the elderly, the disabled? They don't contribute, they only take, so society can do without them.

But that's not how God views life! You are precious and valuable to Him because He made you. And so precious and valuable are you to Him that He sent His Son to redeem you and all people. So whether you are very young or very old, able or disabled, God loves you and wants you as His own. That makes you worth a lot!

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 

~ Matthew 6:26

Lord Jesus, sometimes I feel worthless. Thank You for loving me and valuing me! Amen.

Send an encouraging text or card to someone today and let them know how important and valuable they are to you.

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