Monday of Holy Week, March 25

Jesus shows us true life.

We've spent this Lententide thinking about the many and various ways people think of life. That life is an accident, a chance happening. That the value or worth of your life comes from what you are able to do. That a life is only worth something if it is wanted. That there is a hierarchy of life, that some people are inherently and intrinsically worth more than others. And that it's my life and I can do what I want with it. All very common views of life, but all not how God views life. 

This Holy Week, we will change things up a bit and instead of refuting a wrong idea, consider how Jesus shows us true life. That Jesus, as a man without sin, shows us how we can now live as sons and daughters of our heavenly Father. 

And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, [Jesus] departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.

~ Mark 1:35

Lord Jesus, You were a man of prayer. You showed us that children talking to their heavenly Father is important. You gave us the Lord's Prayer. Help us to pray and to be people of prayer always, praying for ourselves, but also praying for those who cannot and bringing them and their needs before You. Thank You for the gift of prayer and for all the great and precious promises You have given us that You will always hear and answer our prayers. Help us be like Jesus! Amen.

Take a little extra time in prayer today . . . for yourself, for a friend, for a family member, for someone who is not a Christian, and who else?


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