Holy Saturday, April 8

You have taken up my cause, O Lord;
    you have redeemed my life.
~ Lamentations 3:58

The crucifixion is over. The resurrection still to come. It is a day of waiting. That is our situation, too, as we wait Jesus to come again, this time not from the tomb but from heaven. That will be a day of great joy for us! We can await that day with confidence, for we know that, as the verse above says, the Lord has taken up our cause, and has redeemed us. We have nothing to fear! Not even death itself. In Jesus, we are safe. In Jesus, we have LIFE.

Dear Jesus, help me wait for the day of Your return with confidence, knowing that You have taken up my cause, redeemed me, and have a glorious future waiting for me! Help me to tell others this good news as well, that they, too, can have LIFE in You. Amen.

ACTIVITY: Go to Church tonight for the Easter Vigil service and hear about all the Lord has done for you as you await the joy of Easter tomorrow.

LISTEN to the hymn Upon the Cross Extended.

If your heart is so moved by the Scriptures, hymns, and prayers of this week or all this season, consider making a donation (your Lenten almsgiving) to any one of the charities listed on the "About Our Charities" page linked to above. You can do so either by donating directly to them on their websites, or by donating to our church and indicating which charity Your donation is for.

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