Holy Good Friday, April 7

The tree of life was in the midst of the garden.
~ Genesis 2:9

A tree that gives life! If there were such a tree today, how many people would go there? How popular would that place be? We have such a tree - the tree of the cross that Jesus died on. That is the tree that gives us a life that not even death can end. And the fruit of that tree is given in the Church every Sunday. God has met our greatest need! All for you.

Dear Jesus, You died for my sins. You died my death that I might live. I do not understand why You would do that for me, but I thank You! And I pray that all people may know what You have done for them and live in You as well. Amen.

ACTIVITY: Go to Church tonight and hear again the account of Jesus' crucifixion and how His cross is the tree of life for you.

LISTEN to the hymn The Tree of Life.

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