Holy Maundy Thursday, April 6

For the life of the flesh is in the blood.
~ Leviticus 17:11

Blood is necessary for life. If you lose too much blood, you will die. Sometimes people need to be given blood to live. This is true not only for our physical lives but also our spiritual lives. Blood is necessary for our life - the blood of Jesus, shed on the cross and now given to us in the Lord's Supper. If you need life, if you're struggling with life, if you have questions about life, this is the first place to go! To Jesus, to receive life from Him.

Dear Jesus, You shed Your blood to give me life that I may live with You now and forever. Give me the life I need now, and lead me to that life with You that has no end. Amen.

ACTIVITY: Go to church tonight to hear the account of the Lord's Supper and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus.

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