Wednesday of Holy Week, April 5

For while bodily training is of some value,
godliness is of value in every way,
as it holds promise for the present life
and also for the life to come.
~ 1 Timothy 4:8

Sports are big in our world today, and in sports training your body is very important. Practice, enough sleep, the right diet, and more in order to maintain optimal health and performance. But what about your spiritual life? This season of Lent was about spiritual training, instilling good habits: feeding on the Word of God daily, praying, giving. But not so we can achieve life, but to receive the life Jesus has for us and gives to us. The life He won for us! Life now, and life forever.

Dear Jesus, help me remember that even more important than a strong and healthy body is a strong and healthy soul. Strengthen me through Your Word and Sacraments, that I remain in You now and forever. Amen.

READ the account of Jesus' Passion from St. John today, John chapters 18-19. 

ACTIVITY: Do you have a favorite Bible verse, or one that is particularly meaningful to you? Why is it important to you? Write it out, draw a picture to go with it, frame it, and put it in a place where you will look at it often.

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