Tuesday of Holy Week, April 4

For with you is the fountain of life.

~ Psalm 36:9a

Another thing I remember from when I was little was learning about explorer Ponce de Leon in history class. He was the explorer who sailed to the new world looking for the "fountain of youth." Ironically, he died looking for this source of eternal life. But for you and I, we don't have to search for some mythical fountain to give us life, we already have that - Jesus! He is the source of eternal life for us.

Dear Jesus, thank You for this world and all that is in it! But help me look to You for the life I need and not to the things of this world which cannot give me life. Amen.

READ the account of Jesus' Passion from St. Luke today, Luke chapters 22-23. How is Jesus different than Ponce de Leon? One died searching for life, while one died to give us life! What words of Jesus you read today show us that?

ACTIVITY: Search the internet for pictures of Jesus' crucifixion. How are they the same? How are they different? What are they trying to depict - the historical reality or the theological reality?

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