Monday of Holy Week, April 3

You make known to me the path of life.

~ Psalm 16:11a

When I was little I remember hiking with my father. We'd be out in the woods and I was lost! I had no idea which way to go. But he knew. He always knew. We always got back. Now, too, for me going through this life. I often don't know what to do or which way to go. But my Father in heaven knows. He always knows. I need only follow His Word and not follow my own way - and He will lead me home. You too!

Dear Jesus, when I am confused, when I don't know what to do or which way to go, help me! Help me follow Your Word and trust that You will lead me home - to my eternal home and everlasting life. Amen.

READ the account of Jesus' Passion from St. Mark today, Mark chapters 14-15. Who chose the path of life? How? Did it look like life? What should we trust more: our own thoughts and feelings, or God's Word?

ACTIVITY: Draw a picture of something you read about in Mark today.

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