Saturday of Lent 5, April 1

Death is all around us.
A tornado in Mississippi.
A school shooting in Tennessee.
Years of death in a pandemic.
War and threats of war.
How can I be ready for death?

Remember the one who conquered death! Death is an ending, but not the end. Jesus came to die with us and for us, and then rise from death for us that we could rise with Him to life everlasting. If you look at death there is fear; look at Jesus for confidence.

But now thus says the Lord,

   he who created you, O Jacob,

   he who formed you, O Israel:

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

   I have called you by name, you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;

   and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
   when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,

   and the flame shall not consume you.
For I am the Lord your God,

   the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.  ~ Isaiah 43:1-3a

ACTIVITY: Look up artwork of Jesus' resurrection. What do you see? How has it changed over the years? What confidence is it meant to give you? How would you draw the resurrection? Why?

Dear Jesus, when I am afraid, help me look to You for all I need, for peace, and for the confidence to face death, knowing that You have won the victory for me! Amen.

If your heart is so moved by the Scriptures, hymns, and prayers of this week, consider making a donation (your Lenten almsgiving) to Through the Heart, to help those who have lost babies before they could be born, or LCMS International Mission to help spread the good news of Jesus' victory over death to people around the world. You can do so either with a direct donation on the Through the Heart website, by donating directly to LCMS International Mission on their website, or by donating to our church and indicating that your donation is for Through the Heart.

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